How to Understand the Quran

To understand the Quran, you need to know the language, the occasions of revelation of different verses, and so on. These are the basics for understanding the Quran. To progress to a higher level of Quranic comprehension, the reader must have developed a “prepared mind”.  This intellectual preparation is a pre-condition for comprehending the Quran. The “prepared mind” that you need for this purpose can be developed through study, reflection, contemplation, discussion etc. Through such rigorous intellectual activity you can acquire additional knowledge that can help you develop a certain taste, which will lead you to discern the interpretation and veracity of a particular verse. Conventional Quranic sciences familiarise you with the technical aspects. On the other hand, intellectual preparation can enable you to get an in-depth understanding of the aspects of the Quran that deal with the realization of God and higher realities. You will be able to draw spiritual lessons from the Quran and develop to be a Godfearing person with a strong affection for God. Your study becomes a creative one, and the Quran becomes for you a means to discover new meanings. Studying the Quran now, becomes a moment of meeting God.

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